Jean Bethke Elshtain, 1941-2013

Jean Bethke Elshtain, a brilliant scholar and thinker, died on Sunday.  RR Reno has provided some initial thoughts in First Things:

Jean was one of the indispensable voices of cultural and political sanity in the post-sixties. She cared deeply about the common good, and she recognized that faith, family, and patriotic solidarity ennobled the lives of ordinary people. So she found herself defending those loves, often setting herself against the academic establishment and its dissolving ideologies. It required determination and courage, both of which Jean had in large, very large, measures.

I highly recommend reading her work.  But for a brief introduction to some of her thoughts, I have included some videos below:

On Dangerous Politics

Why We Need the Word Evil

In Defense of Ordinary People

Finally, a longer reflection on “Pacem in Terris: After 50 Years”: