
Millennial is a personalist, communitarian publication, featuring Catholic writers on the most pressing issues of our times in politics, religion, and culture.

Rooted in a shared commitment to the global common good, the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, the worth and dignity of each human life, and the preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, Millennial is a whole life publication dedicated to faith in action, social justice, universal human rights, virtue, stronger families and communities, and free democracy, including the four freedoms.

Millennial exists to foster communion, build the Kingdom of God, promote integral human development, strengthen solidarity, and demonstrate a Christian humanist concern for the well-being of all persons that is grounded in a belief in the imago dei and the reality that we are one human family. The publication is shaped by a commitment to just war theory, the responsibility to protect, care for creation, racial and economic justice, a faithful feminism that recognizes the equal worth and dignity of women and girls, the universal destination of goods, subsidiarity, and authentic social, economic, and political participation. Our approach reflects a commitment to authenticity, truth, faith, hope, love, joy, wisdom, temperance, courage, gratitude, and prayer.

Millennial exists to counter a culture of dehumanization and depersonalization, where human persons are treated like objects in a throwaway culture, along with sin, selfishness, narcissism, hatred, superficiality, and alienation. It presents an alternative to the many –isms of modern life: consumerism, materialism, hedonism, hyperindividualism, relativism, cynicism, nihilism, libertarianism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, anarchism, isolationism, populist nationalism, Alt-Catholicism, racism, sexism, antisemitism, and legalism. And it opposes the many injustices created by these, including poverty, genocide and mass atrocities, hunger, high infant and maternal mortality rates, economic injustice and an inadequate social safety net, abortion, climate change, the unjust use of force, plutocracy and corruption, deaths of despair, the migrant and refugee crisis, and all forms of bigotry. It seeks to counter distortions of Catholic teaching, disinformation, and conspiracy theories.

Millennial was created in 2012 to amplify the voices of a younger generation and provide insight and analysis on the issues that matter to the millennial generation. You can read about editor Robert Christian’s initial hopes for Millennial here or the transcript of a short podcast that introduced Millennial. Now that many young Catholics are members of Generation-Z, we have decided to further this mission by including articles written by Gen-Z Catholics, while continuing to publish the work of millennial Catholics.

We seek a big, inclusive Church that welcomes the alienated and isolated through the loving witness of Gospel values and a culture of inclusion, tenderness, and mercy. Join us.




Millennial exists to highlight the voices of a wide range of young Catholics.  If you would like to add your voice to this discussion, we encourage you to submit a guest blog post or journal article to our editor: millennialeditor[at]gmail.com.  Previous contributions from guest writers can be viewed here.

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