Special Series

Millennial(s) of the Year Award

The award goes to a millennial who made an outstanding contribution to human flourishing and the common good, whose actions reflect a commitment to the dignity and worth of the person.

2013- Malala Yousafzai

2014- Father Bernard Kinvi

2015- The White Helmets of Syria

2016- Nadia Murad

2017- Michael Wear

2018- Lizzie Velásquez

2019- Joshua Wong

2020: Loujain Al-Hathloul

2021: Andrew Kaczynski

2022: Stephen Curry

2023: Pete Davis


3/15/17- Global Solidarity in an “America First” Nation

2/23/17- How Catholics Should Respond to the Rise of the Alt-Right

Millennial at Distinctly Catholic

Millennial at NCR Week

Lent 2015 Series
