Faith Leaders Call on Congress to Support Pro-Family, Pro-Worker Policies

Photo by Andre Jackson on Unsplash

Millennial writers and contributors Patrick Manning, Marcus Mescher, Fr. Patrick Gilger, Andy Otto, and Anna Floerke Scheid, along with editor Robert Christian, have signed a new letter to Congress calling for pro-family, pro-worker policies with other faith leaders, including Rachel Anderson of Families Valued, Katelyn Beaty, Rev. Chris Butler, Julie Hanlon Rubio, and Melissa Wear. Here are some highlights of the letter:

Congress can and should enact policies that ensure that all Americans can work on terms that are safe and family-supportive.

Guarantee paid parental and family leave.

The U.S. remains one of the few industrialized nations that does not guarantee new parents paid leave. Paid leave, which is associated with reductions in neonatal, infant and young child deaths, is decidedly pro-family and pro-child….

Support paid time off for illness, recovery and caregiving.

During the pandemic emergency leave helped temporarily guarantee paid leave for some workers, but the U.S. needs a forward-looking plan so that all workers will have access to paid sick days that account for the seasons of illness, recovery and caregiving that are normal and important parts of human life.

Protect pregnant women and young children.

The vulnerable beginning stages of life – pregnancy, childbirth and infancy – involve, in the United States, more risk than they should. Congress should strengthen the ability  of pregnant women to ask for reasonable accommodations at work. Congress should also prioritize investment in policy research, data collection and accountability structures that reduce racial and economic maternal health inequities and improve infant and maternal health.

You can read the full letter and add your signature here.