Around the Web (Laudato Si edition)

Check out these articles on the Pope’s latest encyclical:

Let’s Listen to the Pope on Climate by Josiah Neeley: “The Great Recession temporarily knocked climate change off the front pages, and it’s an issue that a lot of us would prefer not to think about. But as 2015 appears headed to shatter another temperature record, it is becoming clearer that the climate change issue isn’t going away. One way or another, we will have to deal with it. Laudato Si is simply Pope Francis’s attempt to make our response more fruitful.”

Looking at “Laudato Si'” from the Global South by Agnes Brazal: “Coming from a fragile archipelago where the rise in sea level is highest in the world and extreme weather events are predicted to further increase this century, I worry for our future and fervently hope that the clarion call of Pope Francis will be heeded.”

Pope Francis’ New Encyclical by Kim Daniels: “In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis is speaking as a spiritual and moral leader calling each of us to more fully answer the call to care for others and care for God’s creation. He sees the ‘ecological crisis” as first and foremost “a summons to profound interior conversion’ (LS, no. 217). That conversion must begin with humility when confronting the results of human activity unmoored from God’s design.”

The pope, the saint and the climate by EJ Dionne: “Yet progressives and conservatives alike should attend to what motivates Pope Francis here — not the usual left-right politics but a theological concern for our obligation to care for our “common home,” a skepticism of a ‘throwaway culture,’ and an insistence that a belief in God means that human beings cannot put themselves at the center of the universe.”

Pope Francis Uses Encyclical To Deliver Moral Message On Climate Change by John Carr: “NPR’s Melissa Block speaks to John Carr of Georgetown University’s Initiative on Catholic Thought and Public Life about Pope Francis’ call to moral action on climate change.”

Ten Quick Takeaways from Laudato Si’ by Anthony Annett: “Pope Francis grounds human life in three intertwined relationships—with God, with our neighbor, and with the earth itself. If one of these relationships is ruptured, then the others are ruptured too. The implication is that there are not separate social and economic crises, but one socio-economic crisis, and that we need to hear “both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor”. When the environment is degraded, including through climate change, it is the poor who suffer most. And when we fail to respect the worth of a poor person, a disabled person, or an embryo, it also becomes hard to hear the cry of nature.”

Top Ten Takeaways from Laudato Si by Fr. James Martin: “Until now, the environmental dialogue has been framed mainly with political, scientific and economic language. With this new encyclical, the language of faith enters the discussion—clearly, decisively and systematically.”

Pope’s eco-manifesto looks like a game-changer in the US by John Allen: “Right out of the gate, in other words, Francis’ encyclical appears set to reshape a presidential race, stimulate a national moral check-up, and transform practices in one of the country’s largest and most influential institutions. By those standards, Laudato Si’ appears more than words on paper. In America, it looks like a genuine game-changer.”

Laudato Si: Appealing to Our Better Natures by Daniel P. Scheid: “While not shying away from the harsh realities of ecological degradation and the disappointing failure of our international politics, Francis nevertheless invokes the language of hope (214). Rather than using the language of self-interest, Pope Francis incorporates theological and ethical themes in order to draw in various kinds of constituencies in different ways, such that each person might feel herself addressed and engaged, and then feel empowered to act.”

Six statements to impress your friends when discussing the eco-encyclical by Bill Patenaude: “It’s our greed and indifference that allows economic systems to operate without care for other people or the ecosystems of the world. The ecological crises of our day are symptoms of sin. If we would live in accord with God’s laws of love—if we would give ourselves over to be transformed by Christ—than we in our daily business practices would never harm the poor or the planet that we all live on.”

Both praise, skepticism greet Pope Francis’ eco-encyclical by Inés San Martín and Michael O’Loughlin: “Austen Ivereigh, author of Francis’ biography ‘The Great Reformer,’ believes Laudato Si’ has the potential to realign politics and reshape the church. ‘It’s the most significant social Catholic teaching since Rerum Novarum sparked it off in 1891,’ he said, adding that Francis’ encyclical charts an authentic ‘third way’ between ‘individualist capitalism’ and ‘the anti-human utopianism of the green movement.’ ‘Francis has made it not just safe to be Catholic and green,’ Ivereigh said, ‘he’s made it obligatory.’”

US church grateful for Pope Francis’ ‘marvelous’ encyclical by Brian Roewe: “Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley, one of the Francis’ closest advisers, said he welcomed “with joy and gratitude” the encyclical, noting that as the first pope to take the name of St. Francis of Assisi, the pope carried the saint’s spirit and wisdom throughout the document.”

Common Home, Common Destiny by Michael Stafford: “Its comprehensive vision of an integral ecology could serve as the basis for the development of a new and authentic Third Way movement – a political philosophy and economy firmly rooted in Catholic Social Teaching that would be very different from anything currently on offer in either Australia or America.”

Laudato Si’ – Magistra No by Michael Sean Winters: “There is something a little endearing about watching some conservative Catholics wrestle with the fact that they are dissenting from papal teaching. They are a bit clumsy at it.”

Top cardinal says Jeb Bush is wrong about the link between faith and politics by Chris Mooney: “In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, widely considered to be an important influence behind the papal encyclical and president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, was asked to respond to Bush’s remarks — and particularly the idea that ‘this is not about morality or theology or religion,’ as Amanpour put it. Turkson responded by calling Bush’s comments ‘unfortunate’…”

And this video: