Pope Francis: We Must Never Be Slaves to Work

Pope Francis with a good reminder earlier today:

In the workplace too, we celebrate – a birthday, a marriage, a new baby, a farewell or a welcome.  True moments of celebration make us pause from our work, because they remind us that we are made in the image and likeness of God, who is not a slave to work, but the Lord of work!  And so we must never be slaves to work but rather its master!  Yet we know that millions of men and women, even children, are slaves to work.  The obsession with economic profit and technical efficiency puts the human rhythms of life at risk.  Moments of rest, especially on Sunday, are sacred because in them we find God.  The Sunday Eucharist brings to our celebrations every grace of Jesus Christ: his presence, his love and his sacrifice; his forming us into a community, and his way of being with us.  Everything is transfigured by his grace: work, family, the joys and trials of each day, even our sufferings and death.  May we always recognize the family as the privileged place to understand, guide and sustain the gifts which arise from our celebrations, especially the Sunday Eucharist.