Pope Francis Will Be Great at Instagram

Millennial co-founder Christopher Hale has a new article at Time. He writes:

By joining Instagram, O’Loughlin argues that the pope has shown that he isn’t afraid to take risks and that he understands that for the faith to spread, it must be communicated where today’s people are and in the language they speak.

Every one of Jesus’s beatitudes was fewer than 140 characters, so there’s no reason the faith’s message cannot be delivered effectively in today’s social media era.

Pope Francis has always understood that. From the beginning of his pontificate, the Argentinian pontiff has traded in the lengthy and abstract discourses of his predecessors for a more pithy and accessible message that resonates with everyday people….

Two millennia later, Francis makes a foray to Instagram—where images are the currency of choice—to continue this proclamation of God’s invitation to a revolution of tenderness.

Days before the coming Easter festivities, that’s not a bad way for a pope begin the holiest week of the year.

You can read the full article here.